Saturday, April 23, 2005

Dr. Albert Schweitzer- Man of God, Man for Others

One lazy Sunday afternoon while listening to one of my favorite songs, “Fool on the Hill” by the great composer Sergio Mendez, I was cleaning up my bookshelf and cabinet of old magazines, books and medical literature, and all those stuff. We have this habit of keeping “things” and we hesitate to throw them away. But you feel good when finally you let go of them. Detachment. That’s it, let go. Anyway, as I was dusting off an encyclopedia, I happened to come across a familiar name- Dr. Albert Schweitzer. My mind raced back to my high school days. I remember how my teachers would talk about him. In fact we studied his life and works. I asked my students and some fellow doctors whether they have come across that name. I got blank stares. Never heard.
See full article authored by PAFP Pampanga member Dr. Rey Espiritu by following this link: Dr. Rey Espiritu